@ First United Methodist Church
of Michigan City

What you can expect at Messy Church:
Messy Church is church, its just completely different from any other worship experience you have ever tried. When you come to Messy Church, you won't be pressured to come to Sunday services or join a committee, you come to Messy Church to experience church. This is a great opportunity to come as a family, enjoy a simple meal together with other folks as you laugh, chat, and unwind. Supper is followed by a time to just BE with your family and your Messy Church friends. Take your time wandering among the activities that encourage you to get a little messy as you build, craft, experiment, color, or just observe- no pressure. The time of celebration follows as a brief time to come together and explore how God's word has been experienced. Messy Church is a proven and successful program in the United Kingdom, and here at 1st UMC of Michigan City, we are excited to be part of the Messy Church USA experience. Join us here where life is messy- and so is church.
about the United Methodist Church
UMC Mission Statement-
To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
If you have more questions, We encourage you to ask them. Be assured that all are welcome here at 1st UMC of Michigan City. Come and visit us here where love is love and all means all. Find more information about us at http://mcindianaumc.org/